Healthy Business™
are you burnt out yet want to elevate your life!?
Connect clearly with what you want and be empowered.

The Empowered Executive
Elevate Your life!

The Empowered Executive is a deep dive into what you really want and how you can elevate your life being empowered in the process.
Many executives I work with share the same reasons why they are unhappy:

We all have experienced moments in life feeling on fire about what the future may hold for us. However that can often feel like just an exception, and not the rule.
Rather than seeing life as a Space for action, and being inspired and empowered by all that's available, we often find ourselves operating on auto-pilot and "surviving" the day.
The constant burning of both ends of the candle stick, jumping through hoops, and cutting corners to get by wasn't working for me.
My auto response would spit out: “It is what it is!” - Do you ever say this? And is it really true?
I marinated on that question for while until I finally stopped the bot bullshit! And it felt good.
Notice the amount of time we spend running our gears on a rat wheel, our heads buried in our devices, giving our precious energy up to one more task that may get us further in life.
NEWS FLASH: That isn't life! LET'S BE REAL.
The truth for me was that when I stopped the vicious cycle, I got connected to what I wanted, and there was a huge juicy space of peace and power to create inside of.

It doesn’t matter how much you do. It doesn’t matter how much you know. And it doesn’t matter how much ching you’ve got in the bank!!
When do you pump the breaks to connect with what you REALLY want?
Maybe you never do.. However I invite you to consider what might change if you did!
do you have 3 seconds to answer these 3 questions?
1. Are you on auto-pilot and being pulled in many different directions?
2. Are you disconnected from the things you really want in your life?
3. Are you struggling to find a healthy and meaningful work/life balance?
If you answered YES to any of the above, then I can't wait to help you!

in the empowered executive you will
Learn how to sink into your Sweet Spot and operate inside an empowering paradigm that elevates your life. In this space, we explore what you REALLY want & why.
Together, we will Unleash mind blocks that bog you down and limit your performance so you can embrace what really Matters most to you.
Create a fun roadmap of lasting value that Inspires you forward and beyond what you think is possible.

Katerina S.
Fashion Consultant
I got was a new vision, and new results. Kate coached me to play it big when I transferred to a new stage of my creative business development, where I rule my life, not my circumstances.

Aaron F.
Engineer, Humanitarian
I have experienced shifts in my way of being that have led to life changes. Kate helps you stay in the context of who you wish to become and is always supportive when life’s upsets threaten to bring you back to your old patterns.

Kerri K.
Photographer & Filmmaker
The results I achieved in working with Kate were groundbreaking for me personally. I was surprised how many times a coaching session became a stepping stone to further advance me in my growth as a parent, co-worker, writer/producer, photographer, and entrepreneur.
execute what you want

Visual Tools
My coaching methods include visual pieces as way to solidify, inspire, and bring forth new results.
In the work we do together, you'll connect with your heart to express what feeds your soul to create your powerful roadmap to success.
We will lean into your wants and visions and bring them to life through visual tools and coaching methods that I guide you through.
This is not only a powerful way to build upon our visions, it's also a ton of fun to look at each day!

This program is for you if you are:

Burnt out and want to stop the bot.
Have a desire to expand yourself and love your life.
Want to feel empowered with more peace, play, and clarity.
Open to being coachable and committed to what you want.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I do not not know what I want?
That's what you will discover in the work we do together. Whatever space you are in, works.
Q. What if I am too stuck to get through mind blocks?
This is my area of expertise, I am committed we get them unleashed.
Q. What if I struggle after the program is over?
You get 2 follow-up coaching calls with me and email support in between.
Q. What if I want to work with you in a different area?
The best way to do this is to schedule a consult call with me.

Jason J.
The Coaching Hour
What makes Kate a powerful coach is that she lives what she coaches and no matter what role she is working in she is being the empowerment others need to be their best.

Jim M.
Rising Star Musician
What I valued the most was Kate’s non-judgmental listening for the greatest version of myself and the transformative tools that literally created new neuronal pathways and possibilities.
The results of me working with Kate was a powerful base to return to when my mind spins and spins, identifying my life purpose, formulating my own words – holding true strength for myself.
I have witnessed wild creative expansion and pedal to the floor traction towards my dreams. I would tell others that you are standing in your own way and to hire Kate! Everyone could use an angel no matter where you are at in your life’s process.

Donnie M.
Radio Producer
Kate helped me realize that I sometimes I underestimate my talent and that I should never sell myself short.
What I got was a much-needed self confidence boost and my path forward came into better focus.